It was nice to see all the comments on IMGoph's
blog regarding the photos of one of his favorite houses. I'm still of the mindset that there does not need to be just one way to go and that paint and natural brick are equally aesthetically pleasing and can co-exist in one neighborhood. But regardless of the differences in preferences, it's good to know people do care. The comments actually reminded me of the discussion/dialogue going on in the Eckington listserv about making Eckington a historic district. I don't feel strongly for or against it yet but that may change in time.
In the meantime, I thought I'd also post pictures of my favorite houses.

Here is a painted one...
The ribbon detail near the top is a pretty common feature in the neighborhood. The built-in china cabinet at our place has this feature too and I would love to find the right colors to paint and outline the details.
...and here are some that appear to be natural brick...
...and here is a garden statue that I just thought was cute.
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